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Our Alumni

Monrovia Alumni Association

The mission of the Monrovia Alumni Association is to support graduating students through scholarship funding and to support the faculty, administration, and staff of Monrovia High School through career programming and special achievement recognition, to provide positive role models and to bring Alumni together by holding an Annual Alumni Banquet.

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Class Representatives 

It takes all of us to keep the membership database current. We are especially interested in classes of the 80's, 90's, and 2000 years. So many alumni marry and/or move and forget to forward their new address to us.  Contact us to ensure your member information is up to date.


All net proceeds benefit the Alumni Scholarship Fund for graduating seniors of Monrovia High School

Veterans' Banners

Bricks to Scholars

Monrovia Alumni Association
P.O Box 264
Monrovia, IN 46157


  • Turkey Shoot
  • Monrovia Festival Booth
  • Bricks for Scholars
  • Student of the Month
  • Teacher of the Year Parade entries
  • Annual Alumni Banquet
  • Alumni Golf Tournament